It's never great fun having to move home. Especially when you have about five minutes notice to do so.
Thank God there are a few people I haven't alienated who have floors and roofs.
How do I move all of those books and DVDs? What about all that food in the freezer? Where do I find a bottle opener?
Worst of all though was being without access to my computer for a month. No emails; no opportunity to sound off about the issues of the day while they're fresh in my mind; and nothing to do with my itching fingers first thing in the morning.
Anyway, after a few hiccups, I'm back on line. Admittedly I'm resting my keyboard on my knees while I sit on the bed, with my computer screen balanced precariously on a chair. But I'm ready to go.
So, what have I got to say? Those reviews of Brief Encounter, 3.10 to Yuma and Atonement? Maybe tomorrow, except I've got to be at City Hall then to ask about housing benefit. I can do a quick review of American Gangster though. It's a derivative combination of The Godfather, Serpico, Scarface and Public Enemy, with a pudgy Russell Crowe and Denzil Washington struggling desperately to shake off his nice guy personality. And failing. Avoid it.
Worst thing about the last month is that I missed 11 November, the anniversary of a very special day. And that will require some thought. Besides I don't the end of the story yet.