So this is what all the fuss is about.
Just to be awkward, I rather like it. It does its job. It's immediately identifiable, memorable and conveys the right information. Using the figures '2012' is a simple and effective idea.
Obviously, it's ludicrous that it cost £400,000 and took a year to produce, and you can argue that it's unnecessary in the first place. You can also argue that the Olympics shouldn't be coming to London at all. More than that you can argue that the Olympic Games themselves are a monument to human wishful thinking.
The criticism was so, so predictable. People are even complaining that looking at the logo is causing epileptic seizures. God, give me strength! There is something in our national psyche that expects and I think even wants things to go wrong. Every news item seems to be not so much about disasters, but perceptions of disaster and prophecies of doom.
Even now, as I write, I'm listening to a lot of moaning about the NHS. Yesterday, 'experts' were fretting that children were not playing outside enough and that the 'middle classes' were drinking too much. England, of course, are going to play badly tonight - they haven't trained on the Tallyn pitch, a matter of great concern to the pundits.
Not to mention the new Cold War.
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