07 July 2007


Today is the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year of the millennium. Cue troops of ‘numerologists’ spouting their nonsense in the media. It wouldn’t be that date, naturally, if we were still on the Julian calendar or if we were following Muslim or Jewish dates.

Nonetheless it sparks a little interest when an acquaintance of mine tells me that today is his 77th birthday.

Yesterday, Charles Kennedy, former leader of the Lib Dems, was warned by police for smoking on a train. The council’s non-smoking signs at the entrance to my block of flats have mysteriously fallen off.

I hear Heathrow airport has a baggage backlog. In order to clear it, according to the BBC, ‘volunteers have been drafted in.’ Interesting phrase.

I heard two women talking about the weather yesterday. After one had finished complaining about the rain, the other said, ‘Well, thank God, I’m getting away from it all next week. I’m going on holiday.’

‘Where are you going?’


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