12 September 2008

Still in the same universe

So, while I look at the spreadsheet I created to help monitor my spending and find I‘ve only got £5 left until Monday, what’s going on in the world?

There still is a world. Unless I’m writing this in a parallel universe, the big bang experiment at CERN doesn’t appear to have generated a black hole.

Actually I think we may be in a parallel universe because strange things are happening: England beat Croatia on Wednesday for a start. And after three months of trying I’ve managed to download Flashplayer. Don’t ask me how. I tried every trick recommended by bloggers and others and one of them must have worked.

On the other hand Harriet Harman is still there, continuing her campaign for the Labour leadership by regurgitating old rhetoric about the class war. And Gordon Brown is trying to buy your vote by promising to lag your roof.

And the EU continues to plot ways of bullying Ireland into rejecting its rejection of the constitution. I had to laugh when I read that some Eurocrats are blaming bloggers for the Irish vote. I’d no idea we were so powerful.

And then there’s that £5.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that this is not a comment on your blog. But I am curious about have you found Mavis yet?