21 October 2006

Things aren't going well today - so far.

I wanted to listen to England's cricket match with Australia as I wrote this, but apparently the BBC doesn't have the rights to stream the broadcast. And I can't get 'Blogger for Word' to work.

I shall probably go to the pub at lunchtime, but that's another moan. There's a beer festival on at the moment, which means not only can I not get my ususual brew, but I have to pay more. Of course, as a seasoned bitter drinker, I should appreciate the opportunity to sample different beers. But they're tieing it in with Hallowe'en. The whole pub is arrayed with skeletons and witches. Even the bannisters are adorned with cobwebs. And there are bloody footprints on the toilet floor. Mind you, that's been known before.

The beers have got names like 'Hobgoblin', 'Wicked Witch', 'Broomstick'.

Anyway, in lieu of cricket, I'm listening to a play about the attempted Russian coup against Gorbachev. The plotters told him that his new constitution, giving more independence to the republics would lead to the break-up of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev replied that it would take the steam out of the nationalist sentiments, but he was wrong, wasn't he?

You can't argue with a confident man

Napoleon Wilson

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