27 January 2007


Pigs are popular. I like pigs. After Eeyore, Piglet was my favourite character in Winnie the Pooh. I was always fond of piglets, with their big floppy ears too big for their bodies.

When I was at primary school I used to take buckets of left-overs from school dinners to the house next door, where a man kept a couple of pigs. It wouldn't be allowed today, of course. My father had a couple once.

Some pigs are not lovable. Those creatures in Hannibal, for example. And Richard III made a propaganda mistake in choosing the wild boar as his emblem.

Winston Churchill liked pigs. What was it he said? 'A dog looks up to you. A cat looks down on you. But a pig looks you in the eye and treats you as an equal'.

And they don't half taste nice.

Here are a few links:




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